Sunday, September 20, 2009
All settled in!
We are now all settled into our new home and we love it. Things are going great for us! We love the room and its a lot bigger than our old apartment for sure. I love how we have a washer and dryer now and a dishwasher and everything. And the kids are adjusting very nicely, I think they like having their own room. I for sure is thrilled to have my own bathroom.
Since we moved into our new house I've been thinking about a lot of things and I realized that I need to reevaluate my life and figure out what I really want. I need to change a few things in my life to feel a lot better. I started crossed sticking and I am starting to really like it. My first project is an birth announcement for Brody and I have to say I am doing really good with it. And its also making me relaxed a lot and I am liking that. My friend Teala made one for Rocky and I thought I would make one for Brody. The reason why I got my first project is because I am sick and tired of the same thing everyday. Tv is getting boring and so is internet and nothing is going to change until I change it. I also found a new love putting the ties on blankets. I don't know what that is called but during a bridal shower I did it for the first time and I loved it. I just need to think of other things to do with my time other than just sitting around doing nothing. And speaking of friends that is another reason why I need a change. I've been trying to hang out with my old friends that I usually hang out with I think I need to start hanging out with the friends that I blow off. I need something new and someone new to hang out with. I don't know, I just think moving into our own place and adjusting to a new change got me wanting to change a lot of things in my life. I also have to figure out what I want to do with a career. Every since I left toys r us I have been having issues about trying to find a job because I am afraid of not finding something that I love. I loved working at Toys R us and I was mad about how it turned out. I was really good at what I did and enjoyed everyone I worked with and the memories. I was going to stay there a lot longer but shit happens. Right? I don't want to just settle, I want to find something that I really want to do and that I know that I am going to love, I just don't know what that is right now and that is something I need to figure out also. I think me reevaluate my life is going to be a huge change and a good thing. I am excited for this. I am excited for more happy things to come into our lives.
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