Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

Today is my 25th birthday! At first I was kinda bitter because that means I am half way to 50 and I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I don't know if its a midlife crisis or something but I am at the point where I want to figure out what I really want in my life. Its been a good day so far, I had breakfast in bed and later on tonight we are going to have a potluck with all our friends and family. Well not all of our friends but the ones that really care. I realized something while planning for this potluck. The thing that I realized is that who are really my good friends. Don't you hate it when you plan an event and no one responds? Even when you try to call them or write them and you get that feeling that you are getting ignored. That is how I was feeling yesterday. Every time I would call one of my girlfriends no one would answer. Its kinda weird that no one would answer their phone. I was getting really frustrated and was wondering why I even try. It reminded me of two events that happened in my life. The first one was my 13th birthday I think, my first birthday at our apartment in Layton. My mom was feeling bad because the birthday before I didn't really have a birthday because we just moved from Ogden to Layton and she wanted me to have a great birthday that year so she got a hold of all my friends to throw a party for me. I remember sitting out in the front of the apartments waiting for people to show up and no one came. I really felt horrible and my mom felt so bad for me. Another event was my baby shower I invited my friends and none of them showed up. It was just my family. You think by now I would learned my lesson. Well let me tell you I have learned my lesson now. Now I know who to invite and who to not. My family mean the world to me and they will always be there for me and I thank them for that. My close friends also mean the world to me and they know who they are, because they are there for me also. When I married Chris I kinda gained his friends and that makes me feel good inside because they are really nice to me and they are always there for me. I think also since they are older they are more mature so they don't deal with drama and that is what I like. So tonight I am going to have fun with the people that really matter in life and forget the other people that don't matter.


1. I got baptized on Halloween when I was 8
2. Me and my sister Johanna's birthdays are 3 years and a week apart
3. We always shared our birthdays because my mom thought that would be easier
4. I always had a Halloween cake for my birthday and we still keep that tradition today
5. My favorite colors have always been my favorite colors ever since I was little
6. I went all natural with my second child because I hated the effect of the epidural with my first son and I would not go any other way
7. My hobbies include reading, scrapbooking, and now cross stitching those are my passions in
8. I was in resource when I was in elementary school and I thought it was the best life experience I ever had
9. I like all different kinds of music; from Mandy Moore to Def Leppard
10. My next child I am planning on going all natural again
11. My family and my close friends mean everything to me!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Venting....I hate how some people get things handed down to them and more.....

Blogs are about expressing your feelings about something and venting right? Well I like coming here just to vent. I really need to get this off my chest or its just going to build up inside. I really hate how this world operates. Let me get into more details. It seems like the people that don't work their hardest on things get things handed down to them and that bugs the crap out of me. For example lately I've been seeing these people going on vacations left and right and I am wondering how in the world they are paying for it especially what is going on in the economy right now. One of my friends told me that they have been probably saving up for this and that for months and I find that hard to believe, I don't know why I just do. Me and Chris haven't been on a vacation since our honeymoon and I keep wondering when is our chance. We work our butts off to survive in this world and we don't get anything. Don't we deserve something for a change? I had a chance to win a cruise but there are some catches. I took this survey on the phone a while ago and they told me that they will have a Representative called me and let me know more details. They called me today and the catches are that we have to pay the Poor Taxes and that is 59 dollars per person and we have to find our own way to the boat in Ford Laundard . Chris doesn't think we would be able to afford that. I think personally that its a better deal then what is usually running for a cruise. The manager told me that if he doesn't hear from me by Friday that they have to give the free cruise to the next person well its totally understandable to me. I just wanted to cry because here I have a chance to go on a cruise that I won and I can't even go. Well I have come to the realization that we are never going to go on a vacation or a cruise of any type unless someone pays it for us or we win the lottery.

Don't get me wrong I am proud to say that we work hard to where we are at now. I just wish that some things were better in life and that when we are going to get a chance to get the things we want in life. I am blessed to say that Chris still has a job that he loves and that its going really good for him, not a lot of people can say that now a days so how are they going on a vacation. Answer that for me? I am blessed to say that we have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, and we are healthy. But I want more. Is that a bad thing? I am proud to say that we don't have to totally relied on other people to survive in this world, we do most of the things are on our own but why do those people get favored?

I hope I didn't offend anyone by this post but if I did then I am sorry. I feel like I am titled to my opinion because its a free world. Maybe after writing this and having it down where I can always read it will make me not to be bitter anymore.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great News!!!

Brody redness is gone! And he seems a lot happier. I think it was really bugging him. Next time that happens I will know how to treat it so there wouldn't be a reason to go to the hospital.

This is a picture of him being a big boy. It was taken a while ago. I just really like this picture of him. Even though I still think ER doctors are stupid he still knew how to treat his yeast infection. I am still going to go to his pediatrician whenever I think something is wrong with Brody or Rocky and if he isn't available then I am going to go to another one. Thanks everyone for the concern!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Some doctors are stupid!

There is a reason why I don't take me or any of my kids to the ER at the hospital. 1. They always me tell what I already know 2. Its a waste of my time 3. Its pointless. 4. And another reason is I don't want to pay for something when its just take a second to figure out what is wrong that I already know. Today I took Brody into the ER because his private parts were all red even the little hole. He would always scream when I am touching it and when he has a bowel movement its looks like he can't go pee. It didn't look like a diaper rash its just looked like there was something else going on. So I took him in and the doctor barely touched him, like he was the plague of death. All he did was touch his pee pee and determined that it looked like that it was red because of trauma. What the fuck does that mean? Does it mean that he hurt it somehow, I find that hard to believe. He also said that it also looks like a little bit of dasher rash. DUH? If it was that I wouldn't of took him in. What a joke, I am so disappointed right now its not even funny. Oh yeah by the way while he was touching it, it started to bleed, wouldn't you think something else was wrong because of that. So he just gave me a prescription for a special ointment and that was it. I swear I am not going into the hospital or taking my kids in there until one of us is dying.