Does anyone have a friend that keeps making excuses for not staying in touch? Well I used to have one of those friends. I am going to used her real name in this blog because its my blog and I have the right. My adrenaline is running so bad right now that I feel the urge to write. My old friend Tasha and I used to be best friends growing up. When she moved away we grew apart. The only way we stayed in touch was through myspace or on the phone but most of the time that wasn't enough. Me and her got pregnant the same time I did with Brody and her with her first. She would always say I was her best friend and that we will always keep in touch but I was a fool to believe that. After I went to her baby shower we agreed that we would tell each other when we had our babies. She didn't tell and I had to find out by calling several different hospitals. All the time she would tell me excuses about why she didn't tell me this or include me into this and time after time I forgave her and let her back into my life. But this one special event that happened in her life drew me to the edge. She would never answer her calls when I call so I kinda got the feeling that she was ignoring me. Does anyone else get that feeling sometimes? And most of the time anyways her phone would be off so I would not know how she was doing. The last time she talked to me was a year ago after her daughter was born she told me that she was pregnant again. Did I find out when she had that one? NO! And listen I am suppose to be her best friend. I decided to delete her off my friends list a long time ago because she was never on and plus I was done but I still thought about her because its only natural. Then today I went onto her profile and found out that she got married. I was soo pissed! I don't even know when she got married. She didn't even tell me and I remembered long ago that I was going to be her bridesmaid. Whatever happened to that? Well I am done! Its not even worth it. I am tired of the excuses, I am tired of being worried about her and wondering what is going on in her life, I am tired of not being part of her life anymore like I used to. Heck her mom used to treat me like one of her own. That is why I don't have a best friend anymore because of people like that. Fuck people like that! You call yourself so call friends, yeah right! I got my close friends and family and that is all that I need. I know NOW who is my friends and who isn't. And if no one wants me around than I am not going to stick around. Please tell someone that you don't want to be their friend anymore, just don't leave them hanging because that is just so wrong. And if no one wants me as friend than that is their lost not mine. I tried and tried and tried and I am done trying. Its so exhausting that I can't even count the times I try to make contact and got nowhere.