Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to everyone!!

It was a great Christmas this year for everyone. Everyone got what they really wanted. I got my GPS that I have been wanting for a while and also a nice vacuum also that I have been wanting for a long time.

I think we all deserved to have a great Christmas since we had such a crappy year.

Rocky's loot

Brody's loot

We started Christmas on Christmas Eve. Grandma and Grandpa Harmon came over and gave all the grandkids gifts and also had dinner with us. So did Taylor and her family, Aunt Rachelle, Uncle Quin and Stephanie, Kenny, and Trena, Shane, and Aaron, and Aunt Shirley and Uncle Norton. Then on Christmas Day we started the day at 7 in the morning and opened presents at home with Chris' parents then we went to my mom's house and had breakfast there while opening presents there and then we came home and had Taylor and her family over again including Trena, Shane, and Aaron and Uncle Kenny and opened more gifts from Taylor and had dinner. Overall it was one busy Christmas weekend but a good one because all the boys got everything that they have been wanting and so did me and Chris. I think we all deserved it after going through a rough year. I wonder what 2011 is going to bring us but all I am hoping is that 2011 is an AWESOME year. Thanks to all my family for giving me a great Christmas. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brody's 2 year old checkup

Brody had his two year old checkup today. He weighs 26 pounds and 8 oz in the 34% and he is 35.25 inches long in the 74%. He is doing so good and developing right and while we were at the doctor's office we noticed that he is getting another tooth in, so that is exciting. We have been waiting for these teeth for a while and now they are finally starting to come in. He only got one shot and he doesn't need anymore until he starts kindergarten.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Brody is 2!

Brody Glen Harmon is now 2! Where has the time gone? I swear he just turned 1 yesterday. We celebrated his birthday Toy Story theme. Lately he has been loving Toy Story especially Rex. We had it at Nana's and Papa's house since we are living here now and plus we didn't have any money to do it anywhere else. And plus it was a lot easier. All the people that were there were: Mommy, Daddy, Rocky, Nana, Papa, Uncle Kenny, Trena, Aaron, Aunt Johanna and her family, Aunt Jordan and her family, Nana Heckert, Uncle Justin, Stephanie Harmon and her family and Grandma and Grandpa Harmon. It was a really good party. He got some good presents.
Then after the party we went to Burger Stop to go on a Hayride to see the lights at the Layton Park and also to see Santa. I think it was a good day overall and I think Brody really enjoyed his birthday. You can tell that he knew it was his birthday because when all the guests got to the house he would get a huge smile on his face because he knew that they were there for him. And after the day he gave everyone a hug to thank them. He is getting so big!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's been going on.

Well we lost our house. The thing that upsets me the most is we just went to pre-trail and the judge wouldn't even listen to us. By the time I got out of the court I was in tears, it just wasn't fair. We couldn't even decide on a payment plan with the judge, we basically have to talk to the attorney and see if there is anything we can work out. They were originally going to give us three days to get out but the judge gave us more time, we were suppose to be out by the 10th. The pre-trail was last Thursday and we were out by Sunday. We bust our butts all weekend because we had that mind set that we just wanted to get out in time. Its kinda sad because I am really going to miss that place, we only spent a year in there and we fought so hard to get it. But the thing that I am looking at is we never wanted this to happen, things just happen in life and you just have to roll with the punches. The other thing I am looking at is I think we could of done better and maybe it wasn't the right time to have our own place. We need to get our feet planted on the ground again and get settled and then things will just fall into place. I am so thankful that Chris' parents are letting us stay at their place until we get our feet on the ground. I couldn't do it without wonderful family and friends in my life. I just want to make it through the holidays and then after that focus on getting a place. Right now its not really important to me because at least we have a roof over our heads.

Other than that we just have been trying to celebrate the holiday season and give our kids the best Christmas ever. We went to Chris' mom's family Christmas party last Saturday and that was really fun. We all had a fun time spending time with family and friends.

Brody is no longer my baby anymore. He is now in a big boy's bed and he is going to be 2 on Saturday, time goes by too fast. Its pretty sad but rewarding at the same time. I am so thankful that he growing up healthy. He is getting to be my little smarty pants just like his brother.

Rocky on the other hand is really enjoying school. He loves his teacher and his friends. He is always proud of what he does in school and it makes me so proud of him. He has a wonderful teacher and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I am still working at Western Wats but they changed the name to Opinionology. I have a feeling that I am going to be working there for quite a while because I am trying to find a new job that is more dependable and reliable but it isn't working. Some times they don't even have projects so we get sent home and we don't even go in. I want a better job for me and my family because this job isn't cutting it anymore.

Chris is still trying his hardest to find a job but he is having a hard time also. This economy really sucks and I hope it changes soon because I don't know how much more we can take. He is staying positive and helping me with the boys while I am working. I am so grateful for everything that he does. He works so hard to make his family happy.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and be thankful for the simple things in life because you never know when they will be taken away from you. I know I am a lot thankful for the simple things in life and I am trying my hardest to stay positive. That is all that we could do right now.