I went to what I thought was my last doctor appointment on June 12th having an open mind. I was hoping I would of been a 4 or 5 and be admitted to the hospital right away but that didn't happen. I was dilated to a 3 and 70% thinned out. I am not surprised that I wasn't too far dilated because I wasn't having regular contractions between the appointment before and the last appointment and plus with my history I knew I wasn't going to go on my own. Craig Hurst suggested to call the hospital and see when was the next available time I can be induced because I was about done and wanted to meet my little girl. He popped my water about 7:45am on June 13th it took him a while to pop it so I knew for sure I wasn't going to go on my own and started my pitochin around 8:30 I believe, I don't know the exact time. Everybody wants to know how I went natural so I am going to include it in Sienna's story. When I have a contraction I don't concentrate on the pain I concentrate only on my breathing. I have a focus point whatever that is and concentrate on that and tune everyone out when I have a contraction. The pain doesn't seem to bad when you don't pay attention to the pain and only the breathing. I believe when you are calm and you don't freak out and you relax than you can have quick labor and deliveries. Us women were met to give birth naturally. I see it this way a contraction only lasted for a min and anyone can make it through a minute of pain. When my labor first starts out I don't have very intense contractions but when I get further in my labor I have more intense contractions. I can always tell when I am about to push because I start getting very uncomfortable and start having a lot of pressure. I had them check me every hour. The nurse checked me at 12:30 and I was dilated to 5 or 6 and then Craig Hurst came in and checked me at 1 and I was dilated to a 7. Within 15 mins I felt like I needed to push and I was fully dilated. It took Craig Hurst 5 mins to get there but it seemed forever!! I felt like I needed to push so bad and they were taking forever to get everything set up. Its kinda hard not to push when you have the urge to push that is why I look so emotional in this picture because I needed to push and I knew that I was about to meet my beautiful little girl. It took me about 5 mins to push her out and it was amazing!! I was only in labor for 5 hours.
When I go natural I feel like I am in control and I know what to expect and I like that feeling. When I was in labor with Rocky I got the epidural when I was dilated to a 6. I believe I could of went all the way naturally but when its your first child you don't know what to expect. When I was in labor with him I didn't feel anything and I didn't feel like I was in control and I hated that. When I was getting off the epidural I was shaking so bad. That is why I decided to go natural with my other children because I didn't want to ever feel that way again. Going naturally is not for everyone but I rather go natural than have the epidural any day. Plus when you go natural you have a faster recovery time. Craig Hurst and the nurse was so impressed with me because I did so well. Right after I had Sienna I almost gave a couple of nurses a heart attack because I literally jumped off the bed and was walking around.
I feel so blessed and thankful for all the well wishes from friends and family. I feel so thankful for my little girl. I am so thankful that I had a great labor and delivery and that me and Sienna are both healthy and doing well. I also feel so blessed that so many people love Sienna and our family. I am so proud to be a family of five!!