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Brody is now 1!!!
I can't believe Brody is already 1. I had him a year ago today at 2:13 pm and he weighed 6 lbs 14 oz. and 19 inches long. Even though he weighed less then Rocky he sure is the opposite of Rocky. He is a big boy and he lets everyone know. He loves people food, he has every since he started eating baby food. He is my big eater, defiantly not what Rocky is. He is such a happy baby and a friendly baby, he will go to anyone that is willing to hold him. He loves his brother very much so, they play all the time and his brother loves him very much.
I went all natural with him, no medicine and I wouldn't want to go any other way. Maybe that is why he grew up too fast. I had an epidural with Rocky and I hated it. When I was getting off the epidural with Rocky I was shaking uncontrollably and I didn't like that feeling, plus when they give you one they put a big tape on your back to keep it in and that tape took forever to get off. So after that I was determined to go natural and I loved it. Plus, the recovery time is a lot faster when you go natural. I have to say the natural is AMAZING, its like an adrandine rush, I think everyone can go natural you just have to concentrate on your breathing and be calm and not freak out and you can do it. The pain isn't that bad and once you have that baby in your arms you forget about the pain and you realized that it was so worth it. I was in labor with him for 6 hours and Chris, his mom, and my mom were the only ones in the room. He is a fast learner, not what Rocky was. Brody crawled at a early age (7 months) and when he learns something new its like he has been doing it all along because he doesn't even think about it. He is such a big boy and I am very proud to have him in our family. Brody brings so much joy in all of our lives that we couldn't imagine out lives without him.
Happy Birthday to your little guy! Time flies by so fast. He's super cute though!!