Thursday, September 2, 2010

Its that time again for an update!

Well things are started to look up for us. I got a job at this place called Western Wats. I started yesterday. Western Wats is a call center that does Telephone surveys on the phone. I just read surveys on the computer and ask for that certain person's opinion. We are not a telemarketing company because we never sale anything. Its a really easy job, a lot of talking though. I had some really nice people on the phone last night. I think I am going to like this job. It was easy for me to get. After more than a year of searching and trying to find a job I finally found one and it wasn't even hard to get. Its amazing how the simplest jobs you can get like that. I am very thankful to finally have a job and be able to support my family.

Chris kinda has a job lined up too. He is doing some graphic design work for one of my friends. My friend George runs this Vintage Travel business and needs someone to design the ads. Chris is very good at that. We have been searching for a long time to get a job in a field that we went to school for but no one would hire us because we didn't have 2-4 years of experience so with Chris doing this it will help him get some experience. George is going to pay a good sum of money to do these ads and then go from there and see what more he can do. I have a feeling that things are going to be good for us. It just seems like since he got this job working for George people been asking Chris to do graphic design work from left to right and we are very thankful for that. Maybe this is the time for me to go to work and for Chris to stay home with the kids and work on his career. I am glad things are finally looking up for us.

Rocky is loving kindergarten. He is so excited to go to school everyday. He is learning so much and we can already see that. His brother misses him but he knows that Rocky will always come back home. I am glad that Rocky is loving school and doing so well in it.

Brody is getting smarter and smarter everyday. He is learning new words everyday. Its amazing how much he is learning just off of his big brother. I can't believe he is going to be 2 in December. They grow up so fast! I am so proud of both my boys for doing so well in life already. I hope they continued to do well and become the best adults they can be.

I want to thank everyone that stood by our side and supported us through everything. We couldn't of made it without our family and friends. I know we could of made it through because we are a strong family and nothing is going to tear us apart.

1 comment:

  1. What a great update!! I'm so glad that everything is looking good for you guys!
