Wednesday we went to Circus Circus and had a blast there playing the games. That building is so big that there is tons to do there. I wanted to watch the Circus acts but like I say there is so much to do there that you can do it all in one day and we wanted to do a lot of different things.
This is all the stuffed animals that we won at Circus Circus, well mainly Chris. He won that big bear in one try. He is better at the games than I am. The kids got way spoiled while we were there.
We also went to the M&M store that day also. We went there a couple of times but this was the boys favorite floors. The cool thing about this store is that there is like 4 floors of fun or something like that. The boys took a couple of pictures with street performers. They are everywhere on the strip. I have more respect for them than I have for panhandlers because at least street performers are trying to make a living. Speaking of panhandlers they are everywhere there also. And they are so rude!
On Thursday we went to The Fremont Street Experience. Both me and Chris weren't very fond of it. Not very family friendly. It mostly had casinos and gifts shops and little shops in between there. I thought this guy was pretty cool so I took a picture of him. This is one of the shops we went into. There was also a lot of panhandlers on The Fremont Street Experience also. This random guy gave my boys Mcdonald's toys. I thought it was nice but strange at the same time. I also left my purse at the Golden Nugget over on The Fremont Street Experience. Good thing I got it back and nothing was missing from it. Chris got even with me later but I will explain that later.
On Friday we went to Ethel M. Chocolates and Cactus Garden in Henderson Nevada. Like 20 mins from Las Vegas and OH MY GOODNESS...I was in Heaven!! They had so many choices in chocolates. I couldn't decide what to buy. I love chocolate!! They had some really cool cactus' as well there that had some unique cool names to them. They really looked like the names so you can definitely tell where they got the name from. We went back to strip to try to find my mom a personalized mug because she wanted one so bad and we finally found one. We looked everywhere and the last place we looked finally had it. Go figure!! We first bought just a C cup at the M&M store because we were going to give up and then we decided to go into the gift shop at New York, New York and found one there. I couldn't believe it!! So I ran all the way to the M&M store to return the C cup. My mom appreciate me a lot more for doing that for her.
On Friday we also had a picnic at Red Rock Canyon and looked at all the cool rocks. It was gorgeous and a perfect day for a picnic! The boys raced with Papa and wore him out but they had fun getting out and walking around nature. All I can say we were all pooped out from this day!
Since Saturday was our last few day at Vegas we stayed out all day since my dad took the day off. We went to the Hoover dam and it was so high up that it made me nervous. The Hoover Dam was still pretty cool because we were right on the border of Nevada and Arizona. But before we headed out we stopped at a gas station and was throwing away some stuff and Chris couldn't find his wallet while we were trying to enjoy ourselves at the Hoover Dam. So we went back to the gas station thinking he dropped it and he ended up dropping it in the trash can. Good thing it was still there when we got there. We were really lucky on both occasions with my purse and with his wallet. We had some adventures and memories that we will never forget. Things that we will look back on and laugh about. On our way back home we had breakfast/lunch with Jerran and Megan to catch up again. The waitress at Denny's was wasting our time. She would get everything wrong and was really slow on our food and then we stopped at Blakeley's and Andrew's to meet Adelyn for the first time and Sienna and Adelyn had so much fun talking to each other and playing with each other by touching each other's faces and playing with toys. They are only 6 days apart and so close in age. It was also our first time seeing their new place. All in all it was a great vacation and we all needed a change in scenery. While we were gone Utah got some snow while we had some sunshine and great weather. It was time to come home, now everyone is a lot happier and calmer.
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