Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jackieology (Enjoy)

The -ologies.  Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name, followed by "ology".

What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch or Italian dressing

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Red Robin

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Rice for sure! That is why I would be prefect for Survivor

What are your pizza toppings of choice?  Pepperoni and olives

What do you like to put on your toast?  Peanut butter or just butter

How many televisions are in your house? 3

What color is your cell phone? Red with a black case

Are you right-handed or left-handed?  Right

Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Just wisdom teeth

What was the last heavy item you lifted? Probably the garbage

Have you ever been knocked unconscious? I don't think I have. I can't think of a time

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?  Never thought of this question. Probably not because my name makes me who I am

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? I don't know

How many pairs of flip flops do you own?  3 I want more though

Last time you had a run-in with the cops? I don't think never  

Last person you talked to?  Brody my son

Last person you hugged? Brody

Season? Fall

Holiday? Halloween and Christmas

Day of the week? I don't have a favorite day of the week. Everyday is the same to me

Month? October but its also my worse month

Missing someone? Old friends

Mood?  Pretty good

What are you listening to? Nothing

Watching? Nothing

Worrying about?  Nothing at this moment

First place you went this morning?  My kids' room

What's the last movie you saw? Probably one of the Twilight movies. They are always on tv and I can never get enough of them

Do you smile often? Yes

Sleeping Alone Tonight? Nope.

Do you always answer your phone? Usually unless I am driving then no

Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? Probably my mom

If you could change your eye color what would it be? Probably blue

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?  Cherry and Vanilla into my Dr. Pepper

Do you own a digital camera?  Yes

Do you have a pet fish?  Nope

Favorite Christmas song(s)? All the N sync Christmas songs on their Christmas CD

What's on your wish list for your birthday? A blowdryer and a kindle

Can you do push ups? Not very many

Can you do a chin up? Probably not

Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Depends

Do you have any saved texts? Just save conversations 

Ever been in a car wreck? Yeah who hasn't?

Do you have an accent?  No

What is the last song to make you cry?  Roar by Katy Perry. There is meaning behind it for me now

Plans tonight? Going to Kohl's after I finish this

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?  Sometimes

Name 3 things you bought yesterday.  Just candy and drinks

Have you ever been given roses?  Tons

Current worry?  If I am able to find matching shirts for my boys

Current hate right now? Not being able to find matching shirts for my boys

Met someone who changed your life?  Everyone that came into my life changed my life in one way

How will you bring in the New Year? Having a party at our house. Anyone is invited.

What song represents you? That is a good question

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? I don't think so. Everything I have done in life is a learning experience. I don't regret anything in life.

Do you have any tattoos/piercings? Two in both ears and I want to get a tattoo

Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now? Always. Married

Would you be a pirate? I wanted to on free doughnut day but that didn't happen. :(

What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever I am listening to at that moment or whatever pops in my head haha!!

Ever had someone sing to you?  I don't think so

When did you last cry? I don't remember

Are you afraid of being alone? Yeah

Do you like to cuddle?  Yes.  

Have you held hands with anyone today?  Yes my hubby

Who was the last person you took a picture of? I think with my daughter

What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? I have no idea

Do you believe in staying close with your ex? Hell no

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?  Mostly new

Do you like pulpy orange juice?  No I don't. No pulp for me

What is something your friends make fun of you for?  I have no idea.

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