Sunday, August 24, 2014

Learned my lesson

There is one reason why I like writing in my blog is so family members can see how I feel and what is going on in my life. I have learned my lesson about this whole jewelry party. I understand a long time ago that I made a big deal out of nothing. I think that is one of the reasons why some family members don't want to talk to me. I will never associate myself with Park Lane or any other jewelry company ever again. It's cheaply made jewelry at an expensive price. I know it was the hard way that I learned my lesson but isn't that mostly how we learn all of our lessons. Don't you guys think you have punished me enough? I don't know how many times I have to say sorry. I don't think it was the whole point of coming to my jewelry party in the first place I think it was the whole point of supporting me. I don't think I get enough support from my family members. It seems like my friends support me more and that is sad. You guys might think I am not over it because I still bring it up but that isn't the case. I am just trying to tell everyone that I have learned my lesson and not everyone is on my facebook so they can't see my status'. When I have jewelry that break and that I regret using too much money for stupid shit and when I realize a long long time ago that I made a mistake then it's time to forgive me and forget it and move on. Everyone makes mistakes; and no one is perfect. We all know this.