Wednesday, August 26, 2015

32 week update

I figure I would do an update as well in my pregnancy. There hasn't been one in a while. I am now 32 weeks. My doctor said everything looks good. My blood pressure looks good; my urine looks good; everything is good. I see him every two weeks now. He said that I am his easily patient. I have really good pregnancies so I feel truly blessed to say that. It is getting to the point of my pregnancy where I have a hard time sleeping. I am constantly moving around at night and I go up at least once in the middle of the night to go pee. I think Chris is having symphony pains for me because he is going to the bathroom in the middle of the night as well. I know he has been dealing with a kidney stone for a while so that could be the reason too. It seems like I don't get full anymore. I am constantly hungry which sucks. I am starting to waddle. Daisy is moving and kicking me all the time. It seems like I never have a break. Which is good because that just shows that she is doing good. I can't wait to see her and see what she looks like. I know her siblings are really excited to see her. I can't wait for her to complete our family.

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