Saturday, October 24, 2015

Daisy's birth story

Last belly pose 39 weeks and 6 days. 1 day before my due date
This is the closest and farthest I ever went with all of my pregnancies. I kinda knew I wasn't going to go on my own because I never do which is ok with me. I rather be induced and be prepared then be in the middle of nowhere and my water pop. I think she was ready anyways. The night before the 19th I was having contractions but nothing consistent. I checked into the hospital at 6:15am but they really didn't start me until around 7:30am. I was having contractions even before they started the poticin (sp) or before he popped my water but nothing consistent once again. Craig Hurst popped my water around 7:45am. So I would say that is when labor started. My labor always starts the same. Where I had light not painful contractions and then they get more intense as time goes on. I always have a focus object. I always know when it's almost time to push because I get to the point they get really intense and I need a hand to squeeze. They checked me at 12:10pm and I was a 5 but the more time when on the more I felt the urge to push. I really thought Craig Hurst wasn't going to make it in time. From 12:10 to 12:35 (the time Daisy was born) I went from a 5 to full dilation. I mean I go fast with my kids so I wasn't expecting anything different. I really felt like the urge to push and that is a hard feeling to past when the doctor isn't there yet. But natural is the way to go! Born at 12:35pm on October 19th 2015 weighing 7 lbs and 3 oz. My biggest baby but that isn't saying a lot. and 19 and a half inches long. My shortest though. All healthy!
Feeling urge to push and the doctor isn't here yet
Here he is! Which seemed forever!!
Daisy is here!
I feel like she completed our family. And my dream was right she has brown hair and I love it! She has so much of it. And I think she is going to have brown eyes as well. She is such a pretty girl and such a good baby too. I feel so blessed that I had such a great pregnancy and everything went well during labor and delivery. You are always scared of the unknown and anything can happen during labor and delivery. 
All cleaned with mommy! I am in love!

My pretty girl! I love this little face!!


  1. Congratulations! I'm jealous your deliveries go so well!
