Thursday, January 25, 2018

Feelings about what happened a year ago

A year ago was a hard time for us. Chris was in the hospital for his bacterial infection and it was one of the most scariest times of my life. I never want to relive that day ever again. I understand that it was hard for everyone but everyone has to remember that I am #1 in Chris' life!! Everyone also have to remember that I almost lost a husband!! It wasn't about anyone else but Chris and getting him better. I really hate that everyone forgets that I played a big role in what happened a year ago. I worked my butt off that whole week that he was in the hospital. I took care of 4 kids almost all by myself. If it wasn't for me Chris wouldn't be here today. I am the one that demanded the xray; I am his angel!! When Chris was in the hospital it seemed like his mom wanted all of the attention on her and it was about her. She keeps forgetting that I come first in his life. I understand that she is his mom but I am his wife!! She keeps saying that she had to be there for him when he went to St. Marks and she didn't. I was counting on God to watch over him. It wasn't like I could of stopped doing what I was doing here and go and be with him. He knows that I was thinking of him. He knows that I had important things to do like take care of our children.Who was going to take care of them if I went up there?! And that is all that he wanted from me during that time was take care of things at home. I am pretty sure he would of been fine if no one was there when he got out of surgery. He was probably so out of it anyways that it didn't matter.  I wish that she would stop mentioning it and move on. The reason why I am saying all of this because this has been kept inside for too long and it needs to come out so I can move on. I am so glad that he is well and that everything is good now. God works in mysterious ways and still surprises me all the time. I also want to thank all the doctors and nurses that worked around the clock to help him get better. They are the true heroes in this story!!

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