Monday, December 17, 2018

Brody is 10!

Now I have tow kids in the double digits. These kids are growing up too fast! He is now out of his car seat and now has a phone. What are we going to do with him? LOL! What to say about Brody? He is our comedian but sometimes goes too far. I think he tries too hard to impress people when he doesn't have to. I believe he is great just being him! I don't think he quite understands that yet. He reminds me so much of my brother it's not even funny. I think it's better that he now has his own room so he can be by himself when he wants to and he doesn't have to answer his door if he doesn't want to. I am proud of how much he has grown in this past year. He still has more to learn!
 He had a Five nights at Freddy's theme. I don't know why kids like this game
We were going to have some of his party at Flynn retrocade in Roy on Saturday but they were booked that day and they only have two available slots. One in the morning and one at night and no one wants to go to a party at 10 at night. I felt bad that we didn't have a big party for his 10th but I think buying him the phone made up for it. 
Another year has passed and I am glad that this is going to be his last party. Not a lot of people came and I think because it's right before Christmas. I think it's hard to have a birthday party around the holidays. I felt bad for him because none of his friends came. And I was kinda disappointed. I hope that he had a good birthday. Only my family came so I guess that is better than nothing but I am glad that we decided no more parties for this guy. I think he felt left out and I still think he feels that way. He wants to go spend his Target gift card today and I think that will be a good idea and maybe make him feel better about things. Even though I don't think he deserve going to Target because now that he is 10 it seems like his attitude has gotten worst and I don't think the phone is helping. I love you bud just the way you are!! Don't change for anyone!!

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