Sunday, June 16, 2019

Sienna's 7th birthday party!

Sienna is very friendly and has a lot of friends. She is totally a girly girl! She is very smart and top of her class. When she was in Kindergarten she wanted to be a mermaid princess now she says that she wants to be a teacher. I don't think she really has a favorite food; I know that she isn't a big fan of pizza. The other people that came to her party was Aunt Jordan and her family, Nana Heckert, Uncle Justin, Aunt Johanna and her family, Aunt Trena. We love you C bug! We can't believe you are 7! You are so beautiful and going to go places in life! We are so proud of you!!
Her mermaid cake from Winco with Strawberry filling

I think this is was one of the best birthday parties that she has had. She had 4 of her friends that showed up and that is the most that she ever had go to a party. It was a mermaid swim party.

Sienna and her friend Sara
Sienna and her childhood friend Alana

Sienna and her friend Abby
She didn't get a picture with Hunter; he was busy playing with Brody. Boys! LOL! 
She had her first sleepover at home. She has been wanting this for a while and I am glad that we could make it happen. 

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