We started out Christmas this year on Christmas eve. We went to my mom's on Christmas eve to open presents there. My dad sent presents to her house since we were all there and it actually got there on time. It was a good time with family. We had dinner and opened presents. We didn't have a lot of money this year so I just found some things around the house that I haven't used and that I probably won't used and wrapped it for my sisters and my mom. Its the thought that counts, they loved their presents so that is all that matters. On Christmas morning we opened presents at our house and we decided on 3 gifts each for the boys and for each other. One big one and 2 small ones. Our big gifts were on a budget of 50 dollars. The boys had a really good Christmas and so did me and Chris so it worked out perfectly. Then after we opened gifts at home we went to Chris' mom and dad's and had breakfast and opened gifts there and then went home and Chris' uncle Kenny came over and we opened more. Then we went back to their house and had dinner so its been a busy day! So we got plenty of gifts this year. All I have been doing all day is rearranging rooms and putting toys away so its been a long day. I love the Christmas holiday time to spend with family and friends. Tuesday we went to our friends Brandy and Chris Greene house to open gifts there. Thanks to all that gave us presents and I hope everyone loved their presents from us. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!
Note: They had a lot more but I didn't take a picture of them because I was busy unwrapping presents and putting them away! LOL!!