Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Final thoughts (I guess I got more to say)

I have so many people that support and love me and they know who I am and they love me for who I am. I am not going to change for anyone. We shouldn't have to change for anyone. People should love us for who we are and not try to change us. If they really loved us they wouldn't want us to change in the first place. I am who I am! And no one can change that. I love everyone's flaws and good. Everyone has their flaws; no one is perfect. We are all different for a reason. We all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. If we were all the same than that would be boring. I think all my family and friends are beautiful inside and out even with their flaws. Yeah they do stuff that I am not going to agree with or I am not going to like but I am still going to support them because I love them. We all do things differently then each other and that is ok. That is what makes us unique. I know that I am not perfect and I don't try to be perfect by any means. I know that I have done stuff that I am not proud of and that don't like but that is life. We aren't going to do everything right or that people like but we always learn from it and we move on. People aren't suppose to like everything that we do but I know that I try to do my best in what I do everyday. We all should do our best and if that is our best than we have done something right and that is all that matters at the end of the day. I truly believe that we all learn something new everyday. I know that I am always leaning something new about myself and others and it makes me be a better person and a stronger person. I don't expect you guys to understand where I am coming from but I just want you guys to love me unconditionally like I do for you guys. I know I won't always understand where you guys are coming from but I am here listen and be here for you always. I just want to thank whoever read all of this. I know it was a lot but it has helped me to write it all down so I am not blowing up everywhere. I love you guys and always will and I will truly lucky to have each and every one of you in my life.

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