Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

This Halloween was a busy one. On Friday we went to A Monster Bash at Central Davis Jr. High. They had carnival there, blow up bounce houses and refreshments and it was all free. I haven't been there in a long time. I went to school there, so it was nice to come back for a little bit. Then on Saturday we went to Toys R. Us for their Halloween thing, went to my work Halloween party and then we went to Trunk or Treat and then we went to the mall. It was so wet and cold that we didn't go door to door this year because by the time we were done with the mall the kids were tired and so were the And plus I didn't take little kids out when it was so cold. We all had fun this year and I can't wait for next year.

Me as a fairy, Chris as The Million dollar man
Brody as a puppy and Rocky as Buzz Lightyear