Sunday, December 14, 2014

Brody's birthday party!-12-13-14

Brody on his birthday party
Brody is now 6 years old! We had his birthday party at our house. I am so thankful to be living in such a great place. I love showing it off! And it's big enough for everyone. 
And the kids had fun playing WII bowling
We had a WII bowling party and I think all the kids enjoyed it. And then we had cake and ice cream and opened presents.

And it was a Spongebob theme
And seeing this face made it all worth it. He really enjoyed himself and was really appreciated. Brody loves snakes and is very funny. Sometimes he is stubborn but I think he gets that from both sides of the family. He so loud and lets everybody know when he has I can't imagine myself with Brody. He sometimes has a sweet side. He likes the Leonardo (the blue ninja turtle). His favorite color is blue. Thank you to everyone that came. Nana, Papa, Nana  Heckert, Aunt Jordan, Uncle Kevin, Landon, Karalina, Miranda, Aunt Johanna, Isaac, Avien, Cousins John and Oliva, His friend Devin and his family. It was great day and a great time!

Monday, October 13, 2014

August 28th 2014

I feel like people are questioning my decisions as a mother especially what happened to me recently. Like they feel like I am going to hurt my children which I would never ever hurt my children. I love them more than life itself. I haven't told many people this but I am ready now because I feel like it's eating me up inside and I need to let it out. And plus if I can help out one person out there than I have done my job. So before anyone goes on to read this please do not judge me. If you judge me than you can stop right there because I don't need it. And if you tell me that their ruling was right I don't need that either. I already feel defeated as a mother as it is.We all need to be aware of how we act in public or anywhere else for that matter. Because people see you and judge you. I saw this quote on facebook and I totally believe it. "It doesn't matter how good of a person you are there is always someone out there criticizing you."
       Me and my kids were at Kent's on August 28th shopping for food. It was a payday and I was stressing out like any other mom out there. I tried to go shopping but Sienna was acting out. So I left the store but I didn't leave the store quietly. I admit I made a scene and it wasn't the right thing to do at any means. I should of never made a scene but I can't think of the would have's or the would not's. What happened is what happened. While I was making a scene in the parking lot there was several people standing in the parking lot. First of why would there be 7 people standing in the parking lot? That is to me is asking for trouble. Once I go shopping I get out of the store and leave the parking lot. I don't stand there and talk. And second they should of stayed out of business. I don't get in anyone's business. When I go to the store or anywhere else for that matter I keep to myself. To make a long story short they called the cops on me and claimed that I slapped Sienna on the face which I didn't. And Rocky can testify that. I maybe slapped her butt. But I don't think there is anything wrong with disciplining your children in public. The cops came to my house and saw no evidence of child abuse but still charged me with a Misdemeanor in Child abuse. I didn't get it. When I got that charge it felt like a slap to my face. It was like a punch to the gut. I wouldn't wish this on anyone not even my worst enemy. I am not a child abuser but that isn't what everyone else saw. These people don't know me. They don't know who I am. They don't know who my kids are and they judged me, I think that was totally wrong. I try my best not to judge anyone for the decisions that they make in life and I feel like that I shouldn't be judged at all either. I feel like there is a sting operation going on at Kent's because several weeks later I saw another cop come out of Kent's. Like it has happened before. I feel like Kent's doesn't know what is going on in their parking lot or they do and they don't give a crap.
      I went to court and when I walked into the court my intentions were way different than when I walked out. I was planning on pleading not guilty because I didn't do anything wrong. And I wasn't going to take any pleads but that didn't work out either. I thought I was going to go in there and plead my case to the judge but it didn't go that way. I first saw the Prosecutor and I felt like he was out to get me even before I step into his office. He told me since there was 7 witnesses and they saw what they saw that I had no chance in court. That if my case would of went to trial than I would of lost. And I asked him even if I had witnesses of my own to testify that I am not a bad mother and that I don't abuse my kids and he said that wouldn't of matter because my witnesses weren't there. Even though there was no physical evidence that I abused Sienna that wouldn't of matter. You think pleading not guilty and standing up for yourself is a lot better than guilty but it isn't. This law system is so screwed up. They just want your money. And that is what he is going to get because he gave me a Plea in Abeyance and what that means is that I have to pay a fine, go to the parent classes that I signed up for and not get in trouble for 12 months and it will be all erased from my records.You got to think I have never been in trouble with the law before and I am not planning on ever again. But in a way I am not ok with that because slapping me with guilty made me feel like shit. Sorry for the language but that is really how I felt. I left that court room in tears. I felt like the worst parent in the world and I still do.
    I am always second guessing things all the time. I always question if I made the right decision, I am still dealing with this and I haven't even started the classes but I think opening myself and teaching others will be the first step. I am ready to move on with this and become a better mom because right now I don't feel like that right now. I feel like I let my kids down as a mother. I had so much support throughout all of this and appreciate all of the support. But I still feel like people all around me are judging my actions and I feel like I am more aware of my actions. I am getting better at that. I just can't wait until all of this is behind me and I can move on with my life. I know I am not guilty but that isn't what the paper says. Either way I would of had to pay something. And since I plead guilty I lost my right to stand before the judge and I lost my right to stand in front of the witnesses. I hope I don't ever see them again. I don't even know what they look like. That just shows that I wasn't even paying attention to them, It felt like the prosecutor was on the witnesses' side and anything I said would of done nothing, You think physical evidence would range over witnesses any day but I guess that isn't the case. I just have to keep thinking about the positives. At least I didn't go to jail and at least my kids weren't taken away. I have to think that prospective, I am trying.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Some days I wonder if I am good mom or not. And today is one of those days. I don't know what I am doing wrong about the potty training milestone of Sienna. She doesn't tell me anymore that she needs to go to the bathroom she just sits there and pees in her pants. I don't know about you but I am getting sick and tired of my house smelling like pee. Back in last December we bought her a potty chair and she was really interest in potty training. We would put her on the potty every time we would change her diaper. She was getting real good at keeping her diaper dry and being really interest in potty training so I told Chris that I think she is ready but he thought she was too young. So I told him when she turns 2 in June of 2014 that we are going to start officially potty training her. How I did it with my boys was put them in underwear and they would feel when they were wet and hated that feeling and eventually got the hang of it. So I did it with Sienna. Personally I don't think pull ups work. They never worked with my boys and I feel like pull ups make you lazy because they are just like a diaper. But I thought I would try something new and do both. And when that didn't work I went straight to the underwear thing. She was doing really good. Waking up dry in the morning and would have an accident every now and then. When my brother came to stay with us for a while September 1st he was her potty buddy. That is when she got real good at it. She got to the point where she would let him know when she needs to go and take her to the bathroom before she had an accident in her pants. She did this the whole week that he was staying with us so I thought we were pass the peeing and pooping in the pants. She was pass being scared of pooping in the potty. But it seemed like every since he left she went backwards, I never had this experience with the boys but everyone tells me that girls are harder and different to potty trained and oh boy they were right. I even went back to the start and "tried" to get her to sit on the potty after meals and drinks and before she went to bed and such. And she would fight me to do that so I quit forcing her but it gets back to I am tired of it smelling like pee all the time. I think she is being just lazy but I have practically given up and tried everything. We even went to making a sticker chart for her and she didn't even get excited about that. It seemed like she didn't even care. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like having her go back to diapers but that is taking another two steps backwards and I really don't want to do that because 1: they are expensive and 2: we are going backwards and I know she would hate to be in diapers and mommy and daddy changing her but what is the difference between that and us having to do laundry all the time. I really would like advice or something to reassure me that I am good mom because right now I don't feel like it especially with everything going on right now.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Learned my lesson

There is one reason why I like writing in my blog is so family members can see how I feel and what is going on in my life. I have learned my lesson about this whole jewelry party. I understand a long time ago that I made a big deal out of nothing. I think that is one of the reasons why some family members don't want to talk to me. I will never associate myself with Park Lane or any other jewelry company ever again. It's cheaply made jewelry at an expensive price. I know it was the hard way that I learned my lesson but isn't that mostly how we learn all of our lessons. Don't you guys think you have punished me enough? I don't know how many times I have to say sorry. I don't think it was the whole point of coming to my jewelry party in the first place I think it was the whole point of supporting me. I don't think I get enough support from my family members. It seems like my friends support me more and that is sad. You guys might think I am not over it because I still bring it up but that isn't the case. I am just trying to tell everyone that I have learned my lesson and not everyone is on my facebook so they can't see my status'. When I have jewelry that break and that I regret using too much money for stupid shit and when I realize a long long time ago that I made a mistake then it's time to forgive me and forget it and move on. Everyone makes mistakes; and no one is perfect. We all know this.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

About Brody and about having more kids

I think it's my fault why Brody acts the way that he does. When I was pregnant with him I wanted to have a girl so bad and I thought throughout my whole pregnancy he was a girl because his pregnancy was so different than Rocky. But now I know that every pregnancy is different. I think I finally accept it on the last ultrasound. He is always throwing fits when he doesn't get his way and he thinks he can do whatever he wants when he wants. I don't know how to fix this feeling. I know I said that once we move into a bigger place I want to try to have another baby but I don't think I do. It feels like since I moved into this new place that I don't want another child because I feel like if we have another child we have to get an even bigger home. I feel content with how our family is now. I know Chris wants another one but I feel like our family is finally complete. I have my girl and I am happy with that. And what makes us think that we will have another girl. God gives us what he feels like is right for our family. I don't know. I just have a lot of things going on right now and I am thinking about a lot of things and trying to get my mind off other things.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


God really answers prayers! We are moving!! Things are really looking up for us. Not only for us but for everyone in my family. I am not going to go into much details but my sister was having complications with her pregnancy and just to make a long story short her baby is healthy and moving around all the time. So that is a relief. It's her third baby so we are hoping for a girl because she has two boys but as long as it's healthy that is all that matters to us. Prayers have been answered in our family lately so I couldn't be more thankful for everything. Chris moved to the Ogden Savers to become a production supervisor so even though it takes a toll on our car in gas it's kinda worth it. He will be working just morning shifts and get Saturday and Sundays off so that will help us a lot since I work only nights. Since he got that position he will be getting 40 hours and + so we are able to afford a bigger place. And I still work at Motherhood Maternity and I love it! We all get along and it's the perfect job for me. I pretty much know everything there. And I am so good at it! I hope I am there for a long time!!
This is the place we are moving to
It's a townhouse. It has 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, an island in the kitchen, central air, a little Harry potter room (but I call it a hobbit room because I am not a big fan of Harry Potter). A lot bigger than what we are living now. It's in Clearfield. We are going to try to keep the boys in the same school as long as we can because I really don't want to move them to a different school because they are in a good school. I think as a mother I have a right to keep my kids at the school of my choice. We have to travel to Layton all the time anyways. It's going to be a crazy hectic couple of weeks with both me and Chris working, packing and moving but I am excited to start this new journey in our lives. 
     I am still trying to figure out how to deal with family deleting me off of facebook but I am trying. I just don't understand it. It seems like just family and no friends delete me. You can delete me off of facebook but you can't delete me out of your life. I am always going to be family. I think why it hurts and bothers me so much because it's family but I got to learn to let it go. It's just facebook. I think I just want to celebrate this great time in our lives with everyone and I feel like I can't do that. So I hope everyone reads this because we are so thrilled and can't wait to move out of this small tiny apartment. It's not a house but it's close. We are going to make it our home for a while and I can't wait and I think that is all that matters. I am hoping we can have a housewarming party once we are all settled in and everyone will be more than willing to celebrate this special times in our lives! I love you all!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sienna is 2 today!!

The birthday girl!

My baby girl turned 2 today! I can't even believe it. She is such a sweet girl! She loves puppies and any kind of animals. She got a soft spot for anyone. She loves Hello Kitty, Care bears, and babies; she has tons of every single one of those things. She is so smart and I think she gets it from her brothers. She thinks she is a Princess and she pretty much is. She knows what bubbles, kitties, puppies, balls, princesses, anything nintendo related and can tell what they are when you ask her. She knows so much! She even knows that she is 2. You asked her how old she is and she will tell you two!! She pretty much loves to do whatever her brothers are doing. She always wants to be apart of something. She also loves to be outside. She has such a big personality and I wouldn't want it any other way.
We had it at Ellison park in Layton. And it is such a great park! We had hamburgers and hot dogs and of course cake and ice cream. It was a Hello Kitty party of course.
The kids had a blast at the splash pad and at the playground
Everyone enjoyed themselves and Sienna got even some cool stuff. She goes in for her 2 year old checkup on Monday. Let's see how big she is! Thank you to Jordan, Landon, Karalina, Miranda, Johanna, Isaac, Avien, Nana Heckert, Uncle Kenny, Amber, Dominic, Alana, and Trena and Aaron.
Her cute cake!
Her loot!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I just should stop trying

I don't know why I keep trying to push my way into people's lives when apparently they don't want me there. I should take what my mom always say to me to heart: "I am not going to stick around where I am not wanted." It just hurts you know that you are constantly trying to reach out to someone and they never respond especially when you used to be so close. Maybe I should stop trying. Because apparently it's not doing any good. It's their lost not mine! I just should focus on the people that want me in their lives and move on. I have so many people that want me and my kids and my husband in their lives and they should be the ones that matter. If others don't want us in their lives then that is fine! I am not going to stick around!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hoping for good changes

I hope things get better for us. I just want better for my kids. After finding out today that we weren't going to be approved for a house loan and there was no point in running the application it was kinda discouraging. I believe this apartment that we are living in is slowly killing us. Our landlord fixed the toilet but before he left he told me not to get the seal around the toilet on the bottom wet. He didn't tell me how long or what but he is right because the seal is melting away from the toilet. It seems like no matter what he does to our apartment it isn't enough. This apartment is way too small for us! I don't want Sienna to share a room with her brothers forever. I just hope things turn around soon. The reasons why we can't get a house loan is because of our car loan and student loan. We just got a new van in February because we had no choice and both our names are on it. It would be better if just my name was on it but because I don't make enough income I can't. And that would help a little bit because than not everything would be on Chris' shoulders. And then the student loan debt doesn't help either. We need to pay those off but with two being 150 dollars a month there is no way that we can pay those off while we have other bills so we are going to send in a form to have it based off our income and see if that helps. They said that I have to be at my job for 2 years for it to count but I really don't want to be stuck here for two years, there is no way that we can survive. I know it probably sounds like I am not thankful but I am. It is just frustrating you know. I guess we just have to go look around for a house or an apartment for rent that we can afford that is bigger. We also just want to have another child and there is no way that I am having another baby in this small two bedroom apartment, it's not happening. We just need all the prayers we can get. I think we should of never went to college but we can't think of the what if's we just have to make the best of the situation. We went to college for Graphic Design and got our associate degree and nothing to show for it. I just have to think of this as a speed bump in our marriage and we always have had speed bumps in our marriage and have always made it over them and it had made us stronger. I believe we can get over this speed bump and be a lot stronger once again!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Rocky's birthday party

The boy at the party
The cake!
The loot!
Having fun!!
We had Rocky's party at Sky Haven Trampoline park. Everyone had fun! I don't know if I am going to have another party there though. They told us when we got there that we couldn't bring in ice cream but we could bring in just cake. That didn't make sense. They said it had to do with the health license or something like that. We also had bottle water for everyone and we couldn't even bring that in. I wished they would of told us this when we booked it. They just want you to spend your money on their food and drinks. As long as everyone had fun I guess that is all that matters. I think it was a successful party overall! Thanks everyone that came!! Nana Heckert, Nana, Trena, Shane and Aaron, Johanna, Isaac and Avien, Jordan, Landon, Karalina, and Miranda, Uncle Justin, Uncle Kenny and of course Brody and Sienna. Chris was even wore out at the end. I should of took of picture of him passed out but it's just has been a busy day overall!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Rocky!

My first born Rocky Arthur Harmon turned 9 today! I can't believe he is 9!! Where did the time go? Today we are going to Boondocks for his birthday. It's kinda a tradition for all of us to go to Boondocks for our birthdays and plus we get a free birthday pass so it makes it more fun! Rocky's favorite color is Red just like his Nana and his late Uncle John. He loves Mustangs and any kind of cars. He wants to be a NASCAR driver when he grows up and his favorite driver is Jeff Gordon. He is so sweet to his baby sister. He calls her pretty girl all the time. He is really good at Math which his mommy and daddy were never good at. He is sweet to everyone that he comes in contact with. He has grown up to be such a caring man can't wait for more wonderful years with him. He is also going to be in 4th grade this fall!! He decided to have his birthday party at Sky Haven Trampoline Park in Layton this Saturday. More on that later!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I always wonder how somebody can be so close one moment and then one moment be so far apart it was like they were never good close friends in the first place. I have had so many people in my life that has come and gone and it's pretty sad. How do friends fall apart? It's amazing how you find someone's true self after you guys aren't friends anymore. I guess if they really care about you then they would stick with you through everything. I need to uplift myself with good people anyways. I don't know if I ever mentioned this but I had a best friend that me and her grew up together in Ogden when we were in Elementary and we were always close until she got married. I tried to stay in contact with her but it seemed like every time I would try it would push her away further. We tried to stay in contact through facebook until one incident happened. Her husband was hitting on me and making me very uncomfortable and saying that him and Becky are having marriage problems and all that other stuff. He didn't want me to tell her but I felt like since we were so close that she deserves to know what her husband was up to. I felt like I owed her that much. At first it went better than I thought. She told me that she appreciated me for telling her the truth and that she was going to leave him. She also told me that she thought their marriage was fine. That is a bad sign right there if you and your spouse sees your marriage in two different ways. To make a long story short she stayed with him and they had a baby together. I am sorry but a baby isn't going to solve everything. So I called her out on it and all her true feelings about me came out. I was really hurt by it. I had a lot of questions that went on through my head and I still do. Did she always felt like this about me after all these years? Did she just tell me that she appreciated that I told her and that she was leaving him to humor me? She did tell me that they worked out everything but I still question everything because is she living a lie? But why should I care? But sometimes I do and I think sometimes I care too much. And of course as you can tell that friendship ended. I think that is why I don't have any best friends because of situations like this. I feel like I am a great friend and I tell my friends what they need to hear like I think a great friend should do and then I get stabbed in the back. I don't think that is right but I can't control how people react to things I just have control on how I react to things. I noticed the people that I wasn't close to in the past I am close to now and that makes me happy. I guess the people that you least expect that accept you for who you are stay close to you. I am very thankful for the new friends that I have received this year. I need a lot more people that uplift me to be a better person anwyays. I just need to keep telling myself that it's their loss not mine. If they can't accept the truth than that isn't my problem. Maybe it's better that I don't know why Becky kept her distance from me for a while before she told me how she really felt about me. Some events that happen in life just bring feelings up to the surface. I can't help but think how she is doing with her new baby and everything. Is that wrong? I kinda wanted to be there for her when she was going through all of this with her first child. It saddens me! But I guess it's not my fault that she didn't let me in even though I tried and tried. I also have learned to stop trying. If people don't want me in their life than that is fine. I just always wonder why it has to be this way though. Why friends don't stay close and get distance with you? Everything happens for a reason! That is my life motto!! I also believe that karma is a bitch and it will bite you back maybe even harder. I always think that all these friends that left me would come crawling back for forgiveness. I guess it just depends if I welcome them back with open arms or not. I just don't want to get hurt again. I just need to let some people go and if they come back then they come back. I just like writing all this down because it helps all the time. It's like something is being lift off my shoulders every time I write down my feelings. It's making me a better and happy person.

Friday, April 25, 2014


One of my family members made me realize that just because a family member doesn't add me on facebook doesn't mean they don't love me. Sometimes I make a big deal out of nothing. They also made me realize that maybe the reason why people get hurt by what I say is because they do care about me. It feels good to see it in a different perspective. I want to thank them for it. It is still good to write it all down though. It's a great thought process to write it all down though. I am learning new things everyday and it's making me stronger. I hope we can all move on from this and grow stronger and closer to each other.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Final thoughts (I guess I got more to say)

I have so many people that support and love me and they know who I am and they love me for who I am. I am not going to change for anyone. We shouldn't have to change for anyone. People should love us for who we are and not try to change us. If they really loved us they wouldn't want us to change in the first place. I am who I am! And no one can change that. I love everyone's flaws and good. Everyone has their flaws; no one is perfect. We are all different for a reason. We all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. If we were all the same than that would be boring. I think all my family and friends are beautiful inside and out even with their flaws. Yeah they do stuff that I am not going to agree with or I am not going to like but I am still going to support them because I love them. We all do things differently then each other and that is ok. That is what makes us unique. I know that I am not perfect and I don't try to be perfect by any means. I know that I have done stuff that I am not proud of and that don't like but that is life. We aren't going to do everything right or that people like but we always learn from it and we move on. People aren't suppose to like everything that we do but I know that I try to do my best in what I do everyday. We all should do our best and if that is our best than we have done something right and that is all that matters at the end of the day. I truly believe that we all learn something new everyday. I know that I am always leaning something new about myself and others and it makes me be a better person and a stronger person. I don't expect you guys to understand where I am coming from but I just want you guys to love me unconditionally like I do for you guys. I know I won't always understand where you guys are coming from but I am here listen and be here for you always. I just want to thank whoever read all of this. I know it was a lot but it has helped me to write it all down so I am not blowing up everywhere. I love you guys and always will and I will truly lucky to have each and every one of you in my life.

Monday, April 21, 2014

This is who I am ;)

Maybe that is why Chris married me. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children and wife to a wonderful husband that supports me in whatever I do. I know who I am and maybe that is all that matters. I think this is the most I ever wrote on my blog in a while. Maybe I should use it more often. That is what it's for to write all my feelings down. Both my sister and my husband told me that if they don't like me for who I am then forget about them and maybe I should take that to heart. I know I am blunt and maybe too blunt sometimes but I have learned in all my experiences that it's better to tell the truth than lie. I think lying causes more problems. I know the truth hurts sometimes but truth hurts. And maybe I need to take that saying to heart as well. But this is who I am. I am also a housemother, a friend, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a niece, a cousin and a sales associate at Motherhood Maternity. All these things make me who I am. I try to be the best I can be and if that isn't enough that I don't know what is. I never worried about what people thought of me in the past and maybe that is what I need to continued doing. As long as we know who we are and what we stand for that should be all that matters. Who cares what others think of us? I know who I am and I know that I love my family and friends and are very thankful for what I have in life. I also thankful for everything that everyone does for me, I really am. Everyone in my life and everything that I have done in my life has made me who I am and I wouldn't change it for the world. I don't regret anything in life because everything is a learning experience. Every experience that I have had in my life has brought me to where I am at today. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Just thoughts

Since it's Easter today I just got a lot of thoughts going through my head and also since I get in trouble for posting certain things on Facebook I decided to vent on here. And since I can because it's my own blog I got a lot to say. I know I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff but I am because they are family and I love them. It seems like a lot of family on Chris' side doesn't want anything to do with me and it hurts, just because I speak my mind and tell the truth. I don't think there is nothing wrong with speaking your mind and being truthful. It's sad when some of the family doesn't want to add me on Facebook and that hurts, and I don't know what to do about it. Like I said I shouldn't be worrying about it but I am. If I don't write this all down I might explode. If any of the family reads this because explain to me what I am doing wrong. The only reason why I go on Facebook in the first place is to connect with family and friends to show them what I am doing, how I am feeling and to see how they are doing. I feel like I get left out on a lot of things because I am not friends with certain family on Facebook. It's like I am the last person to know. Or I don't get invited to certain things because no one wants me there. Well I got news for you guys. I am family and I always will be! I always ask Chris why he wants to be with me when most of his family wants nothing to do with me. It's hard not to have this going in my head and maybe it is all in my head but that is how I feel. Please show me something different and maybe I won't feel this way. If there is anything I did then I am sorry. I know sorry doesn't solve everything but I hope for this it does.
       Another thing I am tired of waiting for things to happen. Chris was "suppose" to get promoted a while ago and doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon. One of his supervisors is on maternity leave and there is only him and another supervisor so they kinda need him unless they hire someone new. We were going to wait to get pre approved for a house loan once he gets promoted but I don't know when that is going to happen so I just got to make things happen. I know changes are coming but they are taking a long time to get here. We grew out of this small two bedroom apartment a long time ago, it's time to move on to something bigger especially if we want to have another child. We had our vow renewal on St. Patrick Day and that was a start of changes but where are the changes? Some days I don't know what to do with myself. I keep telling myself I need to concentrate on my small family and not worry about the other family members but it's kinda hard when I am a loving person; well I try to be and I am thankful for everything that everyone does in the family and maybe I just have a weird way of showing it but I love all my friends and family and I just feel like no one wants nothing to do with me. :( I don't know how to shake this feeling.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy 10 years!!

Yesterday me and Chris celebrated 10 years together as a married couple. It was a wonderful time!! We did a lot of firsts. We spent the night in a hotel in Salt Lake which we never have and went to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory which was a first and we weren't disappointed at all. Then we went to The Gateway and shopped around. I got a wonderful girt from Chris. A wedding band that I have always wanted.
Isn't it beautiful!!
Then we went back to the hotel and just enjoyed each other's company the rest of the night. The next day we went to Dunkin Donuts where we never been before and then we went to City Creek to buy Sienna a Valentine's gift which she loves. And then we went to Valley Fair Mall, Toys R. Us to buy the boys ninja turtles stuff and Darth Vader for Brody and then we went to Fashion Place Mall where we never been to before and then to finish our weekend we went to California Pizza where we never been to before. It was a great relaxing time!