Friday, October 19, 2018

Happy 3rd birthday to Daisy Lynn!!

My baby girl is 3!

Where did the time go? I can't believe she is 3!! She is so smart for her age. She talks so much!! She is potty trained. She loves kitties, babies, unicorns and barbies. She is so sweet! Watch was you say or do because she is very observant. We love our little Daisy Lynn. She may be small but her personality is big!!

We had her party at Dark Prime Collectibles across the street from us. Chris' buddy owns it. And it worked out really well. Food and games!!

The guests that came was Nana, Nana Heckert, Aunt Jordan and her kids, Aunt Johanna and her kids, Aunt Sadeez and Uncle Ricky and Uncle Justin and of course us. And Jason and his wife's daughter Crystal. Everyone had a blast!!
It was a unicorn/princess theme. I loved the cake from Kent's!
Her loot! She got some great stuff. An awesome jacket as well!