Sunday, December 20, 2015

Brody's 7th Birthday

Brody is now 7!

I can't believe he is already 7. He turned 7 on the 11th and had his party the same day. His favorite color is blue. He likes bad guys in movies. He loves zombies, mummies, and dinosaurs and snakes. He keeps me on my toes that is for sure but he makes me laugh all the time. He reminds me so much of myself and my brother Justin. If you look at a picture of Justin when he was little and Brody now and they look so much alike.

We had his birthday at Boondocks!
He originally wanted his party at Classic but most of the packages you had to do skating and he doesn't like skating so he then decided on Boondocks. They were the same price so it wasn't a problem. He had so much fun! Even though Daddy didn't come because he was sick but it turned out great. Boondocks was a lifesaver and my family were wonderful and helped out a lot!

He had a minecraft cake!
We looked everywhere for a Minecraft cake. It was a pain in the butt! I guess they are hard to find. We finally found a place that could make it; Bowman's. We think they did an awesome job!

I loved all of his expressions when he opened all of his gifts! He loved every single one of them! And that makes me happy.

His loot!
Thank you to everyone that came! We really appreciate everything that day. Sorry it took me so long to post!!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The life of Aizlynn Burningham

Today I went to my dear friend's daughter's funeral. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head. It could also be the fact that Daisy turned 2 months old today. It seems like funerals and viewings always end up when she is turning a month old and so forth. I hope it isn't a bad thing and it's just bad timing. I thought I would write it down and what I was going to say if I went to the luncheon today. The funeral was all the way in Eagle Mountain and I didn't feel like driving around all of Eagle Mountain when I didn't know where I was going and plus I didn't know the area very well. I thought going to the funeral was good enough support. I couldn't send flowers or money so this was the best way. I wished I would of went because maybe I could of said all of this to her. Her daughter was born around the same time as Sienna so I always felt a closeness with  her. I always wanted to compare our children's milestones and when Aizlynn was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1) when she was a baby I didn't understand why or the whole definition. I thought it was unfair that she was diagnosed with this. And when she got her feeding tube once again I didn't understand; I didn't understand how long she was suppose to have it and everything like that but as time went on I understood everything. I understood that she was perfect in every way and that she didn't have to be tested on this earth. I also understood that she has wonderful parents that were picked out specially for her. I think why I had such a hard time at the beginning because our kids were both the same time, I am very thankful that we stayed in touch and are friends on Facebook because it was nice to see Aizlynn and her sister grow up. You could so tell the love that this family had for each other. They were a huge example. I was always praying for them and always thinking about them. It's never good when you lose a child but we all know that she is no longer in pain and she is in heaven running around with the other angels. I know that her family will see her again! I am just very grateful that my children are healthy and I hope they stayed that way. We all take for granted that we can breathe normal, eat normal, walk and talk and run and move. We should no longer take those things for granted because some people don't have the pleasure to do those things. I know that I am going to try to not take those things for granted in memory of Aizlynn. I know that she taught me a lot just following her family on Facebook. My thoughts and prayers goes to that whole family. It can't be easy loosing a child.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Daisy's birth story

Last belly pose 39 weeks and 6 days. 1 day before my due date
This is the closest and farthest I ever went with all of my pregnancies. I kinda knew I wasn't going to go on my own because I never do which is ok with me. I rather be induced and be prepared then be in the middle of nowhere and my water pop. I think she was ready anyways. The night before the 19th I was having contractions but nothing consistent. I checked into the hospital at 6:15am but they really didn't start me until around 7:30am. I was having contractions even before they started the poticin (sp) or before he popped my water but nothing consistent once again. Craig Hurst popped my water around 7:45am. So I would say that is when labor started. My labor always starts the same. Where I had light not painful contractions and then they get more intense as time goes on. I always have a focus object. I always know when it's almost time to push because I get to the point they get really intense and I need a hand to squeeze. They checked me at 12:10pm and I was a 5 but the more time when on the more I felt the urge to push. I really thought Craig Hurst wasn't going to make it in time. From 12:10 to 12:35 (the time Daisy was born) I went from a 5 to full dilation. I mean I go fast with my kids so I wasn't expecting anything different. I really felt like the urge to push and that is a hard feeling to past when the doctor isn't there yet. But natural is the way to go! Born at 12:35pm on October 19th 2015 weighing 7 lbs and 3 oz. My biggest baby but that isn't saying a lot. and 19 and a half inches long. My shortest though. All healthy!
Feeling urge to push and the doctor isn't here yet
Here he is! Which seemed forever!!
Daisy is here!
I feel like she completed our family. And my dream was right she has brown hair and I love it! She has so much of it. And I think she is going to have brown eyes as well. She is such a pretty girl and such a good baby too. I feel so blessed that I had such a great pregnancy and everything went well during labor and delivery. You are always scared of the unknown and anything can happen during labor and delivery. 
All cleaned with mommy! I am in love!

My pretty girl! I love this little face!!

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Anniversary!

I thought today was going to be a good day. And I was going to shred my papers from what happened a year ago. I was looking forward to this day! But I was looking over my papers for the misdemeanor and I still have until September 30th for it to get off my record. I don't know why they post mark it for that date unless that is the day that I went into court. I really wanted to move on from this thing and have nothing tracing me back to it. I am just thankful that I don't have too much longer for it to get off my record. I am also thankful that nothing more happened. It could been a lot worst and I could of been in a lot more trouble. So I am very very thankful for that as well. I just know when the 30th of September comes I am going to be celebrating a lot more. I think I learned a lot about myself and I think I am still learning a lot about me as a parent. I went through a lot with all the classes and everything. September 30th is going to be a good day and be looking for a video because I am going to be posting a video of me shredding the papers. I don't want nothing to do with that day and want to move on from it and nothing to remind me about it. I feel like I have moved on from it emotional and mentally but I don't want any papers in my house reminding me of that awful day. I know that I am a good mom and that I am not a child abuser but the court system is screwed up. I learned that it's not innocent until you are proven guilty anymore. They always want to make you out to be the guilty one so they can get more money out of you. Either way you have to fork over money whether you like it or not. I stayed out of trouble all year and tried my best to control my anger but we are moms and parents and we all have bad days. I also learned that you can't discipline your kids in public anymore because people like to stick their noses in other people's business when it shouldn't be there in the first place. It's a sad sad world that we can't do that but it is what it is. I stay out of other people's business and I expect the same thing; but it isn't like that. And I wished more people did that. I just think people just try to create drama when it isn't there.  I never met those people that reported on me and I hope I never do. They probably don't even remember me because they were so caught up in their own drama. I don't even remember them either so maybe it's a good thing. I still think it's stupid that 7 people were sitting in the Kent's parking lot when they shouldn't of been there in the first place. The thing is that pissed me off is they didn't even know who I was. They judged me; someone they don't even know. I don't even know them and I would never do that. When I go shopping I get in do my shopping and come out to my car and leave. I don't sit there and cause trouble. Whatever their reason was that day I don't understand and I probably will never understand but that is ok. I am not them. I am me! And all I could do is be the best Jackie I can be! I still go to Kent's like nothing happened. I am a stronger person. I am ready to have this baby in October and be a better mom and learn more. I think having Daisy in October will be a new beginning for everything!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

32 week update

I figure I would do an update as well in my pregnancy. There hasn't been one in a while. I am now 32 weeks. My doctor said everything looks good. My blood pressure looks good; my urine looks good; everything is good. I see him every two weeks now. He said that I am his easily patient. I have really good pregnancies so I feel truly blessed to say that. It is getting to the point of my pregnancy where I have a hard time sleeping. I am constantly moving around at night and I go up at least once in the middle of the night to go pee. I think Chris is having symphony pains for me because he is going to the bathroom in the middle of the night as well. I know he has been dealing with a kidney stone for a while so that could be the reason too. It seems like I don't get full anymore. I am constantly hungry which sucks. I am starting to waddle. Daisy is moving and kicking me all the time. It seems like I never have a break. Which is good because that just shows that she is doing good. I can't wait to see her and see what she looks like. I know her siblings are really excited to see her. I can't wait for her to complete our family.

Monday, August 24, 2015

To breastfeed or not to breastfeed that is the question

Every since me and my old co worker was talking about breastfeeding one day at work I have been debating back and forth whether or not to breastfeed Daisy. I thought going to this breastfeeding class today would help me decide but I think it got me questioning more. I know it's better for the baby and all the benefits but I just don't know if it's right for me. I didn't breastfeed with any of my other children and I kinda want a bond with this baby since it's my last baby. That is another reason why I don't know if I want to. I tried with Rocky and it was just frustrating. He didn't seem interest in it and we were both frustrated with it. So after him I decided that I didn't want to do it with my other kids because it just wasn't fun and enjoyable. I just don't want my kids to feel left out if I do breastfeed Daisy because I didn't with them. And plus my kids want to help out with feeding her and I feel like if I breastfeed her that they won't have that opportunity. I feel like breastfeeding is right for some women and not right for others. At least I can try right? I just don't know if I will be even be able to. With my body and plus with working. I can always pump. I just don't know if my baby is going to get enough if I breastfeed. I always had that question as well. It's easy to tell when they are drinking from a bottle. I just don't want my boobs to be in charge and always tell me that I have to feed my baby when I can't because I am at work. I want to also use formula but I know that isn't always good but I just have to do what is right for my baby I guess. Especially if I am going to be working or if the kids want to help. So many questions and decisions to make.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sienna's 3rd year checkup

It went pretty well. She is a little diva for sure though. Wouldn't really let Dr. Nye touch her. No shots! The doctor is concerned about her eyes though because when she was looking at the light one of her eyes turned out. And she has been saying her eyes been hurting. I hope it isn't anything too serious. So he suggested a eye doctor that specializes in kids. But overall she looks good. She is exactly 3 feet tall for 3 years old. And we go back in a year.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Sienna Bug!

Today Sienna bug is 3!

We had Elsa and Anna come to her party today. At first it took her a while to warm up. But once she did she was having a blast with them. We have a cute video of her hugging them when they got to the door! It is so adorable!! They did an excellent job!! I couldn't be  more happy about it.
They gave her a present
They played games with the kids
They read books to them
They even took pictures with the kids
So worth it! I loved every minute of it. But of course with a 3 year old's party it's always hectic and it started off rough. With Sienna stepping on her cake with her cowgirl boots and breaking her candle in the process but what can you do? I guess it's her birthday and she can do what she wants. You just have to laugh it off and shake it off. It's just a little girl's birthday party. She told me that she still loved her cake so that is all that matter; even after all that happened. She is very smart for her age and I can't believe she is already 3! I am excited and looking forward to her being a big sister. She is so excited for her baby sister to come into this world and I know she will be the best big sister ever!! Thank you to everyone that came you know who you are! It was just family!! I don't know a lot of people that would like to come to a princess I love you Sienna Jeanne Harmon and I am glad that you enjoyed your birthday and loved every minute of it!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Rocky is 10!

My big guy is 10!
I can't believe my first born is 10! It's crazy to think! It went by too fast! I can't believe a decade with this sweet boy and more great years to come!!
Every year for his birthday we go to a movie because for some reason a new Avengers or Iron Man movie comes out around his birthday and he is so into those movies. So it's a tradition to go. So we went to see Avengers Age of Ultron on his birthday. We didn't bring Sienna because last time we brought Sienna to a movie it was a nightmare. I think she will act better if it's a movie that she is interest in. I don't think she would of liked Avengers very much. It was a fun time with me and the boys!
On Saturday he had his birthday party at our house and the balloon guy came. He was really good! His name is Jeff and I went to school with him. He has been doing this for many many years and you can so tell. He was so good with the kids. I would totally recommend him. He is really talented. Rocky had a blast at his party.
The cool cake
Rocky's cool dog
I really like this one. This is Elsa from Frozen.
He had all his family there and one of his friend's Isaac. It was nice to meet his friend Isaac. He seemed like a cool kid. I can't wait to see what Rocky does with his life. I am so proud of him! Now onto Sienna's birthday. Look for an update on that one as well!

Friday, May 8, 2015

We are having another baby girl!

Our pretty baby girl!

It's definitely a girl!!

Her foot!
Everyone meet Daisy Lynn Harmon! When we went into my appointment on the 4th I was really nervous. I wasn't keeping my hopes up because we all wanted another little girl so we could have two boys and two girls. A perfect mix! When the ultrasound tech asked me what we wanted we told her a little girl but we also told her that we would be happy with whatever just as long as the baby was healthy. The whole time she was looking at Daisy she kept standing on her head flipping over. She is going to be my gymnast. And then she told us that we are going to get our wish! I couldn't believe it! I almost cried!! I kinda had a feeling it was a girl because I truly believe she spoke to my father in law and told him what her name was. I believe souls can talk to you before they are even born. I believe we chose a perfect name for her because she talks to me as well. When I was pregnant with Sienna I had a dream about a little girl with dark hair and a lot of it so I thought I was dreaming about Sienna but when she was born that wasn't the girl that I was dreaming about. So I truly believe that I was dreaming about Daisy. And since I have been pregnant with her I haven't dreamt about her at all because maybe she is already here. I truly believe that our family is finally complete now that we have our two boys and two girls and I couldn't be more blessed. I love this little girl already and I think she is going to be a great addition to our family and I think she is going to get along great with her big sister! And I can't wait to see what she looks like!
My baby bump at 4 months (16 weeks)
My pregnancy is going really well! I get heartburn every now and then so I hope that means that she is going to have a lot of hair. The only time I really have heartburn is when I am eating chicken so I stay away from that as much as She moves a lot especially when I am laying in bed at night trying to relax for the day. I felt her move for the first time when I was 10 weeks along. I am hungry which seems like ALL the time and it's kinda It's like I am never full. I haven't had really any particular cravings. Just whatever sounds good or whatever the baby wants at that I am still working at Motherhood Maternity and it's going well. Good thing I don't work full time because I know I wouldn't be able to handle that. I am planning on going natural with this one as well. I am also planning on going as long as I can in my pregnancy and enjoying every minute of it especially since it's my last child. I want to have her on my birthday which is the 22th of October but that is technically going two days over my due date. I don't mind sharing a birthday with her but it all just depends. I don't know if I am getting my tubes tied because I am deathly afraid of surgery since I have never had surgery before and I am very iffy about that whole thing about tieing your tubes and getting snip snip but I guess we will see when it gets closer. I know Chris doesn't want to go through that but I think it would be for the best because it will be less painful for guys but we all know how guys are. They are little babies...haha!!
Video 1 of the gender reveal. I got confetti and glitter and put it in a balloon and had my kids pop it and whatever color came out is what baby we are having. The first video Sienna was trying to pop it and couldn't.
Video 2 of the gender reveal. So I got a different thing to pop it with and gave it to Sienna BIG MISTAKE and before I could have time to record her popping it she already popped it. Why Rocky doesn't look happy because he was mad at Sienna for ruining it. He was happy about the baby girl so don't So I had to just show the confetti and glitter on the ground and ask them what color it was. We can't wait to meet this little girl! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Expecting baby #4

I know this is all over Facebook but this is for the family and friends that I don't have on my Facebook. But I am expecting baby #4!

We are so excited! At first it was kinda surreal. It was kinda a surprise. We weren't trying but we weren't preventing it. We just decided to leave it in God hands. It's crazy because I bet you after I wrote last post on this blog I probably got pregnant. When I took the test it showed up Positive right away. I haven't had any morning sickness. I just have been hungry all the time and tired all the time.
I bought this shirt at my work to announce it on Facebook. At first a lot of people didn't notice my shirt. It was pretty funny! I found out on the 11th and announced it that day. A lot of people would think that I announced it too early because I am only 5 weeks along but I know I wouldn't of been able to keep it in. And plus I am so excited now that it is sinking in that I can't contain my excitement. It was weird because now it explains why I felt like I was in a runt, had no energy, mood swings and was tired all the time. Sometimes I wonder if I am ready for number 4 but I always think about God. God wouldn't give me anything that I couldn't handle and apparently he thinks me and Chris are ready. I kinda had a feeling that I wasn't done because the whole time I was pregnant with Sienna and even after I had dreams that I was having a baby girl with dark hair and a lot of it and I thought Sienna was going to have dark hair when she was born but she surprised us all. She looks just like her daddy and her brother Rocky. So I think God has other plans for me. We all want a little girl but we don't care as long as the baby is healthy. I think this is going to be our last one though. We always wanted 4 so I guess it's going to I am so ready to start this next journey in our lives. I am ready for you! Can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

What's been going on lately

Well the holidays are over and 2015 has started on a new note. Mostly good. Chris got promoted as Production Manager at the Layton Savers. I couldn't be more proud of him! This is going to help us out so much. He so deserves it. He worked so hard to get to this point! We decided to let God decide if we should have another baby or not. If I get pregnant it won't be a bad thing and I didn't get pregnant it won't be a bad thing either. With my sister having her son and decided to get her tubes tied it got me thinking. I don't know if I should keep my maternity clothes that she gave back to me. The storage container broke and working at a maternity store changed my whole prospective on maternity clothes so I am thinking about going through it and taking out the clothes that I am going to be wearing and get rid of the other ones. Because my other sister Jordan is also done having kids. Her husband is going to have a vasectomy. So it will probably be only me wearing them. I am hoping my sister in law Trena has another child because I think she needs to have a child before me. She so deserves it and I think Aaron would be a great big brother. He loves his cousins so much like they are his own siblings so I know he would do the same if he had a brother or sister. I wish my sister in law very much luck this year. I have a feeling that this is her year to get pregnant.
             My mother in law had hernia surgery on the 30th of December and had to go back in in January. She is doing good and hopefully this gets her to realize that she needs to take better care of herself. I really would like her to quit smoking because I think it would make her healthy overall. I want her around a long time for her children and her grandchildren because we all love her.
             And Sienna is making progress on her potty training. She is now telling us when she needs to go or she just goes on her own. Sometimes she is just lazy and doesn't do it but for the most part she is good at it. We stopped putting her in diapers because it was just a pain in the butt to go buy some all the time so we just kept putting her in underwear. I am so proud of her. I am glad that she is doing good and finally seeing it. I just have to stay calm and don't get so angry when she has an accident.
             I don't have any new year resolutions because personally I think they are pointless. For once I always think of the same resolutions every year because I can never think of new ones. And plus I can never do the one that I set myself up for because I usually forget or because they just aren't that important. My resolution everyday is just to be a better person than the day before. I think that is reasonable. We should all strive to be a better person everyday to our love ones. I am just looking forward to the rest of 2015 and what it has in store for all of us.