Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Kindergarten Graduation and A move!

Well its official! Rocky is no longer a kindergarten, he graduated on June 1st 2011. I am so proud of my little guy! He got an award for perfect attendance because he didn't miss one day! He is like his mommy in that way because I had perfect attendance in Junior high and High school. 

This is his kindergarten class sitting and listening to their teacher Mrs. Buhler reading a book to them. All her books have a lesson and this lesson was about moving on and being whoever you want to be. She was such a great teacher and we are going to miss her. I guess she is not going to go back to Vae View. She has a few interviews so she doesn't know where she is going yet. We gave her a plant and a card to thank her for being such a wonderful teacher. I hope Rocky is lucky next year with another great teacher.

We also moved!! YEAH!! We finally moved out my in laws and into our own apartment. We love it! Its perfect for us! Its not too far away from Rocky's school so he can still go to the same school. After a long and tiring process of looking and looking for several apartments and getting denied we finally found one. I guess we found one that was right for our family.

It was funny because Friday the 27th of May was the day we went and looked at this apartment and sign the application. And to me I wasn't promising anything because we had bad news before so I wasn't keeping my hopes up at this point but we went to Lucky China that day and this was my fortune: "Lady Luck Will Soon Visit You" and then the next day we got the call that the apartment was ours. Isn't that so cool that my fortune actually came true. I am for sure going to keep this fortune forever because I know it brought us good luck! I am so blessed to have a healthy family and also feel blessed that we found this place to call our own. God really answered our prayers. I am also grateful that we did it all on our own with no help. We found an apartment that we can afford and we are really doing great for ourselves, I couldn't ask for more.