Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What's been going on with Brody (TMI) and a little Update

I haven't been on here for a while because nothing really exciting has been happening. I thought I would update everyone on everything and then discuss what has been going on with Brody. We are doing really good. Getting our finances in order and things are good. Chris still works for Innovative Deliveries a third party company that works for Amazon to deliver packages. He works with my brother. I think it's good for him because he has been loosing weight and been getting to a healthy weight and he also has been able to see other cities that he wouldn't normally see. My brother seems to really enjoy it as well. I think he was getting bored with being a chef all the time and wanting to do something different and plus he gets to get out of the house and travel which he can't normally do because he doesn't have a car. I still work at Target and things are good there. I get consistently 5 work days during the week so that has been helping a lot.
      Brody has been having problems emptying his bladder all the way the past several months. He describes as something is blocking the hole where he pees out of so he can't pee all the way. He has to sit on the toilet for a while before he goes to bed to try to empty his bladder or he will be up several times during the night to go to the bathroom. It doesn't hurt for him to go pee and he isn't peeing any blood so that is good. I was kinda concerned that he had an infection or had diabetes. So we took him to go see Dr. Nye and he had him that a urine sample and everything on that came up normal. So no glucose or anything like that in his urine so no sign of infection or diabetes. So that was a relief to me. Dr. Nye said it most likely that his hole to his penis (there is a name for it but I don't know how to spell it) is either pinched or not fully develop and that is probably why he can't fully a good stream and that is something that he can't determined or even work on fixing it so he has to go see a Urology at Primary Children's on May 14th. So please send prayers and healing vibes that they can figure out what is wrong with him. I am just very thankful that it wasn't something like diabetes.
     Rocky is going to 15 on the 21st of May and that is scary to think about lol. It seems like he is getting taller by the day and he can get his learning permit when he turns 15. Scary to think about lol. He is growing up too fast; I can't catch up to him. I am just thankful that he is healthy as well.
    Sienna is doing great and she is top in her class. She has so many friends and just so popular even with school not in session; she tries her hardest to keep in contact with all of them. I am so excited for her to go back to dance on May 4th. I bet she is looking forward to going back. She really enjoys it. She has a couple of loose tooth that she is afraid to pull out so hopefully in the next few days we can get them out. And she is going to 8 June 13th and just trying to figure out what to do for her birthday. We are for sure going to have a birthday party that day.
   Daisy is possible going to start Headstart this fall. They will let me know in July. I am pretty sure she will enjoy it. I think she is tired of having all of her siblings home all the time lol; she is used to having the house all to herself and be able to watch what she wants when she wants lol. She is such a smarty pants. I tell people that I think she is an old soul because you wouldn't think she is 4 by the things that comes out of her mouth. She understands things and concepts that a normal 4 year old wouldn't understands. It just blows our mind what she knows. You got to watch yourself around her lol.
   I just very grateful and blessed that we are all doing well and healthy!! I couldn't ask for anything more right now!! With everything going on with us wearing masks at work now I value being at home more than anything. It's my safe haven!!